Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Steve Jobs: How to live before you die

Rejected as a baby then again from the two billion dollar company that he had built. He never gave up!
This is a great inspirational story of a man that was rejected as a baby by the well to do family that was originally scheduled to take him but was lovingly accepted into a working class family that loved him. Where would the world be without the influence of Steve Jobs? Thank you to that family who took him in when he was rejected by the first family. This shows that love is the most important ingredient for adoption.
Steve Jobs: How to live before you die | Video on

Friday, October 7, 2011

Perpetual Temple Travel Fund

It was encouraging to hear of the LDS Church's new perpetual fund set up to help church members who are poor and who live far from temples to be able to acquire the funds to travel to those temples.  It is a testimony that these types of sacred efforts are specifically set up to help those who cannot help themselves in the world.  Adoption is truly one of these kinds of situations.  There are so many children in need and so many homes that could be the nurturing grounds for these souls.  We have recently interacted with many amazing people.  One woman testified to us of the blessing of being adopted at the age of 14 and the love and sacrifice of her adoptive parents that she recognized had truly saved her.  Another woman of means who has seen ways that she can help as her heart has been opened to the plight of orphaned children.  Then there is my friend Lonny who has recently become totally dedicated to this cause and believes with all his heart that this fund will come to be.  I know there are many that can and will continue to come together in order to create a simpler path for willing families to welcome ready children into their homes.